
Cozy Home

Dec 22nd 2016 Staff

With as cold as weather has been in Chicagoland, finding warmth in your home seems to be the only way to get rid of the chill. Check out these simple, budget-friendly living room updates to create a cozy home.

  • Update paint colors for hues that reflect warmth such as deep reds, sunset-like yellows, and soft browns.
  • Find warmth and comfort on your sofa with pieces to snuggle up to like a cozy blanket and fluffy pillow.
  • If your home doesn’t have a fireplace, adding candles to your living room space can provide the same warm aesthetic on a smaller scale.
  • Finish off your cozy environment with the soft glow of your lighting arrangements. Add light dimmers or incorporate the simple fix of lamps into the space.
  • Add some decorative pieces to help you find comfort in your space. Photo frames of loved ones or artwork that warms you will put the finishing touch on your cozy home.
  • For more ideas on how to find warmth in your living room and create a cozy home, visit one your local Hortons today!

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